In the section of Epilogue there was a lot of poetry elements especially with the list that were present like the "Thing to do today" list. It is written in lines instead of paragraph form and within each line there is an emphasis on the emotions felt. For, example the writer lists "dredge the lightest bunches (ASAP). Showing the emotion of readiness and urgency in what has to be done today. Then when the writer begins to write in paragraph form, the texts is still written in very similar forms, like the way poetry would transform into fiction. In Total Eclipse there is the same kind of transformation being made.
From Total Eclipse you can see the same transformation but in a more abstract occurrence. I n the very first paragraph there is a short, detailed, and descriptive paragraph of what someone would imagine an actual eclipse to look like. Then, the story takes off on its on journey of memories that would remind you of an eclipse but not actually seeing an eclipse until the writer finishes going through the imagination. This is very interesting seeing that essays can be creative, catch attention, and beautiful.
great responses to the essay packet and to Cooper's Maps... maybe expand to include a bit more specific explanation and examples... still well done.